About Mediation
What is mediation?
Mediation is a process in which the mediator assists the clients in reaching a voluntary, negotiated resolution of the complaint. Mediation helps identify areas of agreement and ultimately incorporate those areas into a final resolution of the complaint. The decision-making power rests in the hands of the parties.
How does a mediator help?
A mediator guides you towards your own resolutions. Either through joint sessions or separate caucuses.
I help you to:
- clarify the issues at hand,
- have a better understanding of each other’s positions, and
- move towards a resolution.
How does a mediator empower the participants and why is it important?
Mediators balance power between parties by guiding the communication during the process, by staying neutral and impartial towards both parties and by creating a safe space for everyone involved.
Empowerment is important because empowered individuals experience more confidence during a conflict. From this point individuals are more likely to feel in control (versus feeling powerless and overwhelmed by the conflict and the consequences resulting from the problems that arose). Mediation gives some kind of control back to the individuals involved.
Where and how does a mediation take place?
As I often work with cross-border couples, I decided to offer mainly online mediation so I can save my clients travel time and travel expenses. Being abroad isn’t a requirement to decide for an online mediation though. For some it might be helpful to take part in the mediation from their own secure and trusted environment. In some cases, this might even be beneficial for the outcome of the mediation.
It's important to mention that one of the benefits of online mediation is that if we decide to involve a second mediator (co-mediation), or if additional expertise is needed, it's easy to involve third parties in an online mediation. Find more info about online mediation below.
More questions? Find your answers here
Mediation Services
Cross Border Mediation
This service is applicable to parents that live in different countries and who have or are considering shared custody and/or co-parenting.
Do you have your children living abroad with your (ex-) partner?
Do you need help to get to certain agreements?
Do you feel like you need more coherence in the way you parent?
You don’t agree with the way your partner raises your children?
I can help. Depending on your situation, I can involve a second mediator from the country you live and have a co-mediation.
Intercultural Mediation
Are you both from different countries or do you have different cultural backgrounds? Do you have children and you’re looking for a way to come to certain agreements but you feel like there are too many cultural/traditional differences?
I can help. With my personal and professional international experience I can help you on the way to get to good agreements on your co-parenting mission.
Couples Mediation
Are (were) you a couple with children and are you going through the process of separating/divorcing? I can help.
The main difference with co-parenting mediation is that here we also put focus on the couple and their matters.
I can help by
Setting clear communication rules to create a safe environment for open conversations
Resolving negative emotions around the parenting and the past (we go into this to a practical level that is connected to the conflict you came to see me for).
Co-Parenting mediation
Here the main focus is the co-parenting element. You don’t need to be going through divorce to use this service. This can be applied as long as you have children and you’re co-parenting or you are planning on doing so. Co-parenting mediation can be applied years after the divorce and/or separation.
I can help by
Coming to new agreements
Adjusting existing agreements around a co-parenting situation
Setting custody schedules
Managing the day to day about raising the children
Resolving the conflicts that arise in a co-parenting relation
Questions? Find your answers here:
I offer online mediation.
There is always the possibility to schedule a follow up meeting.
Yes, I offer live mediations in Ghent, Belgium.
Relevant Resources
I want to provide a list of resources that I recommend to everyone who is interested in family mediation.
European Union:
Mediation in EU countries: https://e-justice.europa.eu/62/EN/mediation
Child protection under EU law: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/237715/Juliane-Hirsch-JURI-Committee-Hearing-Child-EU-Law_EN.pdf
The European Parliament Coordinator on Children’s Rights: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/cmsdata/237715/Juliane-Hirsch-JURI-Committee-Hearing-Child-EU-Law_EN.pdf
Wiewauters, C (2023). Een week mama, een week papa? Wat kinderen bij een scheiding echt nodig hebben. Lannoo.
Rosenberg, M.B. (2015). Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life: Life Changing Tools for Healthy Relationships. PuddleDancer Press.